

30. Bish M, Ramachandran S, Wright A, Lincoln L, Whitham S, Graham M, Pedley K (2024) The soybean Rpp3 gene encodes a TIR-NBS-LRR protein. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions (accepted).

29. Oseland E, Bish M, Lerch R, Bradley K (2024) Atmospheric deposition of dicamba herbicide can cause injury to sensitive soybean. Weed Science doi:

28. Webster R, Nicolli C, Allen T, Bish M, Bissonnette K, Check J, Chilvers M, Kleczewski N, Mueller B, Price P, Paul P, Robertson A, Ross T, Schmidt C, Schmidt R, Schmidt T, Shim S, Telenko D, Wise K, Smith D (2023) Uncovering the Environmental Conditions Required for Phyllacora maydis Infection and Tar Spot Development on Corn in the United States for use as Predictive Models for Future Epidemics. Scientific Reports

27. Winans T, Massey R, Schreier H, Bish M, Bradley K, (2023) Harvest Weed Seed Control in Soybean with an Impact Mill. Weed Technology 37:113-122

26. Young J, McCarty T, Lancaster S, Bish M (2023) Modeling Soybean Planting Decisions with Network Diffusion: Does Herbicide Drift Affect Farmer Profitability and Seed Selection? J of Agricultural and Applied Economics First View: Doi:10.1017/aae.2023.17

25. Schreier H, Bish M, Bradley K (2022) The impact of electrocution treatments on weed control and weed seed viability in soybean.  Weed Tech.1-31.  Doi:10.1017/wet.2022.56

24. Schwartz-Lazaro L, Shergill L, Evans J, Bagvathiannan M, Beam S, Bish M, Bond J, Bradley K, Curran W, Davis A, Everman W, Flessner M, Haring S, Jordan N, Korres N, Lindquist J, Norsworthy J, Sanders L, Steckel L, VanGessel M, Young B, Mirsky S (2021) Seed-shattering phenology at soybean harvest of economically important weeds in multiple regions of the United States.  Part 3: Drivers of seed shatter.  Weed Sci. 70:79-86

23. Perkins C, Gage K, Norsworthy J, Young B, Bradley K, Bish M, Hager A, and L Steckel (2021) Efficacy of residual herbicides influenced by cover-crop residue for control of Amaranthus palmeri and A. tuberculatus in soybean. Weed Tech. 35:77-81

22. Oseland E, Shanon K, Zhou J, Fritschi F, Bish M, and K Bradley (2021) Evaluating the spectral response and yield of soybean following exposure to sublethal rates of 2,4-D and dicamba at vegetative and reproductive growth stages.  Remote Sensing 13(18), 3862: DOI:10.3390/rs13183682

21. Bish M, Dintelmann B, Oseland E, Vaughn J, and K Bradley (2021) Effects of cereal rye seeding rate on soybean growth and yield and waterhemp (Amaranthus tuberculatus) Emergence.  Weed Technol.  35:838-844

20. Bish M, Oseland E, and K Bradley (2021) Off-target pesticide movement: a review of our current understanding of drift due to inversions and secondary movement.  Weed Technol. 35(3): 345-346

19. Schwartz-Lazaro L, Shergill L, Evans J, Bagvathiannan M, Beam S, Bish M, Bond J, Bradley K, Curran W, Davis A, Everman W, Flessner M, Haring S, Jordan N, Korres N, Lindquist J, Norsworthy J, Sanders L, Steckel L, VanGessel M, Young B, Mirsky S (2021) Seed-shattering phenology at soybean harvest of economically important weeds in multiple regions of the U.S.  Part 1: Broadleaf species.  Weed Sci. 69:95-103

18. Schwartz-Lazaro L, Shergill L, Evans J, Bagvathiannan M, Beam S, Bish M, Bond J, Bradley K, Curran W, Davis A, Everman W, Flessner M, Haring S, Jordan N, Korres N, Lindquist J, Norsworthy J, Sanders L, Steckel L, VanGessel M, Young B, Mirsky S (2021) Seed-shattering phenology at soybean harvest of economically important weeds in multiple regions of the United States.  Part 2: Grass Species.  Weed Sci. 69:104-110

17. Oseland E, Bish M, Steckel L, and K Bradley (2020) Identification and Evaluation of Environmental Factors that Reduce Likelihood of Off-target Dicamba Movement. Pest Management Science 76:3282-3291

16.  Oseland E, Bish M, Spinka C, and K Bradley (2020) Examination of Commercially-Available Bird Feed for Weed Seed Contaminants. Invasive Plant Science and Management 13(1):14-22

15. Dintelmann B, Warmund M, Bish M, and K Bradley (2019) Investigations of the Sensitivity of Ornamental, Fruit, and Nut Plant Species to Driftable Rates of 2,4-D and Dicamba.  Weed Technol. 34(3): 331-341

14.  Whalen D, Shergill L, Kinne L, Bish M, and K Bradley (2019) Integration of Residual Herbicides with Cover Crop Termination in Soybean.  Weed Technol. 34:11-18

13.  Whalen D, Bish M, Young B, Conley S, Reynolds D, Norsworthy J, and K Bradley (2019) Herbicide programs for the termination of grass and broadleaf cover crop species.  Weed Technol. 34(1):1-10

12. Bish M, Farrell S, Lerch R, and K Bradley (2019) Dicamba Losses to Air following Applications to Soybean under Stable and Nonstable Atmospheric Conditions.  Journ. of Environmental Quality 48:1675-1682

11. Bish M, Guinan P, and K Bradley (2019) Inversion Climatology in High Production Agricultural Regions of Missouri and Implications for Pesticide Applicators.  Journ. of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 58:1973-1992

10.  Whalen D, Bish M, Young B, Hager A, Conley S, Reynolds D, Norsworthy J, and K Bradley (2019) Evaluation of Cover Crop Sensitivity to Residual Herbicides Applied in the Previous Soybean.  Weed Technol. 33:1-9

9. Barlow B, Shergill L, Bish M, and K Bradley (2018) Investigations of the potential interactions between pre-emergence residual herbicides, variety, and seed treatment in soybean.  Weed Technol. 32: 570-578

8. Shergill L, Bish M, Juguluam M, and K Bradley (2018) Molecular and Physiological Characterization of six-way resistance in an Amaranthus tuberculatus var. rudis biotype from Missouri.  Pest Management Science 74:2688-2698

7. Shergill L, Barlow B, Bish M, and K Bradley (2018) Investigations of 2,4-D and multiple herbicide resistance in a Missouri waterhemp (Amaranthus rudis) population. Weed Science 66:386-394

6. Shergill L, Bish M, Biggs M, and K Bradley (2018) Monitoring the changes in weed populations in a continuous glyphosate- and dicamba-resistant soybean system: a 5-year field-scale investigation. Weed Technol. 32:166-173

5.  Schwartz-Lazaro L, Steckel L, Stephenson D, Bish M, Bradley K, Bond J, and J Norsworthy (2017) A Midsourthern Consultant’s Survey on Weed Management Practices in Soybean. Weed Technol. 32:116-125

4. Bish M and K Bradley (2017) Survey of Missouri Pesticide Applicator Practices, Knowledge, and Perceptions. Weed Technol. 31:165-177

3. Harris D, Kendrick M, King Z, Pedley K, Walker D, Cregan P, Buck J, Phillips D, Li Z, and H Boerma (2015) Identification of Unique Genetic Sources of Soybean Rust Resistance from the USDA Soybean Germplasm Collection.  Crop Science 55:2161-2176

2. Kendrick M, Harris D, Ha B, Hyten D, Cregan P, Frederick R, Boerma H, and K Pedley (2011) Identification of a Second Asian Soybean Rust Resistance Gene in Hyuuga Soybean. Phytopathology 101:535-543

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